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Time: 5 PM (Singapore Time)

Cost: Complimentary

We are excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar, where we’ll cover essential topics for businesses and professionals in Singapore. This session is designed to provide you with valuable insights on GST compliance, securing business grants, and ensuring business continuity through a well-crafted shareholders agreement.

Webinar Topics:

1. GST an Overview: Understanding the Basics and Compliance

  1. Stay Compliant and Informed: Attend this webinar to gain an overview of GST (Goods and Services Tax), understanding its basics and compliance requirements
  2. Staying updated on GST regulations is crucial for avoiding penalties and ensuring compliance
  3. Learn practical tips and strategies to navigate GST effectively, ensuring your business remains compliant while minimizing risks and maximizing opportunities for growth

2. Business Grants: How to Secure Funding for Your Project (Grant Consultation)

  1. Explore various business grants available in Singapore
  2. Learn how to maximize chances of securing funding
  3. Understand the grant application process and eligibility criteria

3. Ensuring Business Continuity via Shareholder’s Agreement
Guest Speaker: Ethan Neo, Director and Authorised Representative of AIA Financial Advisers

  1. Different types of business contingency planning and provisions that can be implemented through the shareholders agreement
  2. Proper planning will ensure the legacy of the business for future generations without disputes

Whether you’re navigating tax regulations or looking to safeguard your business’s future, our experts will share practical tips and strategies to help you succeed. We look forward to having you join us. Our experts will cover key topics and answer your questions during the Q&A session at the end. The webinar will last approximately 60 minutes.

Register in advance for this webinar:


Yours sincerely,

The webinar team at singaporesecretaryservices.com


Dear clients, we have started to use communities to disseminate messages. This will allow us to get announcements out to clients more efficiently. We need to harness the use of WhatsApp communities as our client list has grown to a size where we are unable to keep up with sending announcements to individual chats.

The WhatsApp community which we have set up will keep your number private. Only the admins, who are the team from Raffles Corporate Services, will be able to see your contact number. Other members of the community will not be able to see your contact number and similarly, you will not be able to see other members’ contact numbers.

Examples of the types of announcements which will be sent out in the community are as such:

1) Filing deadlines and reminders. For example, corporate tax filing deadlines.
2) Any important announcements which may be of useful knowledge to Singapore-registered companies. For example, new requirements to be fulfilled like the recent requirements to register company controllers and nominee shareholders.
3) Upcoming webinars.
4) Useful articles for Singapore companies.

If you see any announcement which you would like to know more about, you can contact any of the Community Admins through private messaging. The Community Admins list is located in Community Info. You can also contact the Raffles Corporate Services team via any group chat which you are in.

We will be shifting clients to the Raffles Corporate Services Community. If we have a WhatsApp group chat with you, we will still maintain that so that if you have any queries, you can message the team directly.

You can alternatively click this link to join the Raffles Corporate Services Community: https://chat.whatsapp.com/FVoEEDyQqKtFi1QkjXwiVT

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