Can I set up a company in Singapore and apply for a valid work pass?

This article was previously featured on Singapore Employment Agency and syndicated on our website.   The short answer to this question would be yes. However, there are a few qualifiers and you should read further into this article to better understand what they are.   There are many who would like to come to Singapore [...]

By |2022-01-25T12:20:29+08:00January 25th, 2022|Employment and Immigration, Questions and Answers|

Criteria for Employment Pass

An Employment Pass (EP) allows the pass holder to remain and work in Singapore. Here is a brief overview of the Employment Pass and what are the criteria required. Foreigners who are applying for an EP must fulfil the following criteria: Have a job offer in Singapore. There must be a written offer by a [...]

By |2021-06-07T15:17:10+08:00June 7th, 2021|Employment and Immigration|

From 1st May 2021, dependant pass holders will need to obtain work passes to work in Singapore

From 1st May 2021, family members of foreigners working in Singapore who hold dependant's passes (DP) will need to have a valid work pass to work in Singapore. Previously, they only needed to apply to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) for a Letter of Consent (LOC). The LOC expiry date would typically match the expiry [...]

By |2021-03-18T12:27:31+08:00March 18th, 2021|Employment and Immigration|

What is the Local Qualifying Salary (LQS)?

The Local Qualifying Salary (LQS) determines the number of local employees who can be used to calculate a company's S Pass and Work Permit quota entitlement. It is the minimum salary that is to be paid to a staff to qualify as full-time employment. Currently, the LQS is SGD$1,400. This means that a company will [...]

By |2021-02-19T16:33:07+08:00February 19th, 2021|Employment and Immigration|

What is a Letter of Consent?

A Letter of Consent (LOC) is an authorisation letter that is issued by the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) that allows eligible holders of Dependant Passes (DP Holders) or Long-Term Visit Pass (LTVP or LTVP+) to work in Singapore. By default, DP, LTVP and LTVP+ holders are not allowed to work in Singapore. To be eligible [...]

By |2021-02-08T16:31:24+08:00February 8th, 2021|Employment and Immigration, What Is...|

Employment rights of interns in Singapore

Interns do make up a valuable portion of the Singapore workforce. Many companies do offer internship positions mainly to local polytechnic and university students to expand their workforce and to assess possible candidates for full-time employment positions. Intership positions are also available to those who are not students. It may be a way of a [...]

By |2020-09-20T14:16:23+08:00September 20th, 2020|Employment and Immigration|

Minimum qualifying salary to rise by SGD$600 for Employment Passes and SGD$100 for S Passes. Higher requirements for financial services.

On 27th August 2020, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced changes to its foreign workforce policy.   Changes to the Minimum Qualifying Salary for Employment Pass and S Pass Candidates and renewals For new applicants: From 1st September 2020, It will be raising the minimum qualifying salary for Employment Pass (EP) candidates to SGD$4,500 from [...]

By |2020-08-30T21:00:13+08:00August 30th, 2020|Employment and Immigration, Latest News and Announcements|

Singapore PR scheme for individuals working in Singapore

Individuals who have been working in Singapore can apply for Singapore Permanent Residency (PR) under the Scheme for Professional/ Technical Personnel/ Skilled Workers. Under this scheme, the applicant has to be working in Singapore on an Employment Pass, Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) or S Pass. The individual can apply to obtain Singapore PR for his or [...]

By |2020-10-10T12:11:25+08:00January 19th, 2019|Employment and Immigration|
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